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Quicky organizing tips for small home office organizing. Find here beautiful home office organization ideas to declutter home office and make your workspace more professional and calming.

We collected some of the best office organizing ideas that will help you tidy up your office from the entrance to the desk drawers. You’ll learn how to organize your home office easily and on a budget even if you have a small space. Easily declutter your home office with these few steps and make your home working experience that much enjoyable and productive.

You’ll also learn about how to organize office paperwork, quick home office organization hacks, tips, and tricks that will help you organize any messy office. No matter if you’re short on office space or your budget is tight these few tools and supplies will make your life easier and more relaxed in no time.

Easy & Beautiful Home Office Organization Ideas & Tips

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best organizing tips for small home offices (1)

10. Organize Office Supplies

The first step is to organize your office supplies. If your pens, papers, scissors, and all kinds of supplies lying around the office it’s not easy to feel relaxed and productive. Thankfully, you can easily organize supplies even you have a small space. Get desk organizers in the style and color that fits your needs and taste the best. You can keep the supplies and tools you use most in these trays and drawers and the rest in the desk drawers.

To make sure that you don’t hoard and can keep the place tidy easily you should also consider investing in a cleaning gel that can help you clean your keyboard and other areas that would be difficult to clean quickly. Another tool that will help you keep your office organized is a simple paper and credit card shredder.

9. Organize Your Desk

It’s important to not only organize office supplies but your whole desk. If you keep your desk organized it will save you a lot of time and energy, and even help you keep more calm and productive especially during stressful times. Those who have a desk that has no drawers may consider buying a good quality laptop or computer stand that has extra drawers and trays. You should always think about the tools and supplies you use most and keep those close to you. Make sure that the stand you buy is good quality and sturdy not only because it will last longer but also because lower quality products tend to wobble and move.

If you need more space you can also consider buying smaller drawer organizers you can easily slide under your desk.


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8. Organize Electronics

Organizing office electronics is easier than you think. You can put them in a designated box or buy an electronics organizer bag that’s perfect for those who travel a lot. It’s a simple but elegant solution that will keep small office spaces organized easily.

In case you need to charge multiple phones, tablets, or other electronics you can consider buying cord organizers or a desktop charging station

7. Organize Seating Area

The fastest and easiest way to organize the seating area in the office is by buying a coffee table that has a shelf or even shelves. You can find beautifully designed tables that will not only make your home office more stylish and professional but also keep it organzied.

Depending on the space you have you can consider getting a smaller sofa with storage space or buy ones that have more space underneath so you can slide in collapsable fabric storage cubes.

Shelves can come in handy especially if you have lots of supplies and tools. Try using spaces you wouldn’t otherwise. You can go for corner shelves, metal shelves, or choose a bigger bookshelf

5. Organize Folders

Properly organizing your folder will save you time and energy. It’s also a minimal financial investment and once you organized everything you’ll be happy you went through the process.

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4. Organize Filing Cabinet

A rolling file cabinet is a perfect choice for those who don’t have that much space in the office. You can easily roll it under your desk or just stand it next to it. Choose one that has extra shelf space so you can store your copy/fax machine on top of it and then file everything immediately.

If you don’t have much space you should consider a smaller rolling file cabinet that can be easily rolled under a sofa or put on a shelf.

3. Organize Entryway Shelf

An entryway organizer can make your arrival and departure from the office much smoother and relaxed. You can stack their letters and bills so you don’t forget to mail them. Leave notes, hold your coat and keys. A wall organizer next to the entrance can also help you keep your desk organized and help you concentrate on the right task at the right time.

2. Get Drawer Organizer

A drawer organizer is another affordable tool that can help you keep your desk tidy where everything is easily found. It’s perfect for those who have lots of tools and supplies and for those who feel more relaxed when their work environment is neat.

1. Get Proper Lighting

This may come as a surprise but getting the best possible lighting for an office is a crucial step. It improves mode and makes every task much easier to accomplish. Bad lighting can lead to depression since spending long hours in a dim-lit small space will have effects on your mood and eventually your mental capacity.

Make sure your office has plenty of light from the ceiling, desk lamps, and standing lamps. Also, take extra time when you choose light bulbs

easy office organizing ideas and tips

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